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#AskingAutistics (although feel free to answer even if you're not autistic!)

What things are often considered 'sins' in conservative religious terms, but yet don't harm other people?

First thing I could think of was gay marriage, and other rights around loving who you wish (as long as it's consensual and they're not underage).

Then gender identity. Being trans in particular (that seems to raise religious ire!).


#Religion #lgbtqia #womensrights #transgender #conservative #hate #morality

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I'm looking for names and/or connections of any academics, independent researchers, or prominent figures *anywhere*, but *especially* in #Canada who have at least *some* connection to *any* fields related to:

- #Genocide (in general)
- #Trans Genocide
- #Geopolitics as they relate to trans people

I've been asked to lead a significant and urgent project related to the present crisis, and I've dropped all other tasks to support this. I wish I could provide more details publicly, but these details will have to follow.

- Feel free to either post or DM me names/info or to connect

#academia #research #transgender #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia