So you want to fight fascism and make a difference right now? Do this:

Join Codeberg e.V. – become part of the organisation; part of the resistance – and actively support this valuable and ethical EU-based anti-fascist¹ git hosting alternative that’s under attack by fascists as we speak:

Seriously, do it now.²

Volunteer and/or donate if you can.

Let’s send Codeberg’s membership through the roof and show these fucking fascists that when they push we push back twice as hard.

When you do, please add your voice to this thread so others can see.

I rarely ask this but please repost this far and wide.


² If you’re having trouble reaching the server, it might also be under attack. You can check the current status of all Codeberg’s servers from

#Codeberg#CodebergUnderAttack#SupportCodeberg #antifascist#EU #european#FOSS#freeSoftware #git #hosting #fediverse #mastodon #community#callToAction

Content Warning

The registration server might now be getting hit too by fascists.

You can check the status of servers here:

Not to worry, this campaign will continue. And if you notice it’s green, that’s the time to get in and sign up for membership.

A couple of people have already signed up as members (that I’m aware of) in the past half hour or so.

#codeberg#SupportCodeberg#CodebergUnderAttack #fascists #fascism #tech #git #hosting#EU #antifascist#FOSS#callToAction