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I've never understood how scientists, in particular, could flee from that Musk place only to take refuge in, wait for it, a Bannon place like #BlueSky. 🤦‍♂️

"On social media, Mastodon is managed and run by the community (e.g., is a server run by neuroscientists) and is robust by design."

When rogue players multiply, single points of failure are worse than just a gamble.

#openscience is best on the #fediverse

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🧵 on how #Mastodon, and the rest of the #Fediverse, invisiblize the #GlobalSouth.

I have argued a few times that for all practical purposes, the global south does not exist for Mastodon, and for the rest of the Fediverse. But many people I interact with do not quite understand how this works in practice.

This series of posts is an effort to illustrate that mechanism.


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An overwhelming majority of #GlobalNorth users have no interest in #GlobalSouth topics. They neither follow users focussed on global south issues, nor boost or like posts on global south topics.

That’s their prerogative, of course; but that is also the root cause underlying the above dynamic. There is no obvious resolution to it, at least not within the narrow confines of the #Fediverse.


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That’s it, that’s the mechanism.

Forget #GlobalNorth users, even #GlobalSouth users cannot find fellow users from their regions, or find posts about the global south, even if both exist.

This happens with most global south users, and with an overwhelming majority of the posts on global south topics.

That’s how #Mastodon, and the rest of the #Fediverse, invisiblize the global south.


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As a direct consequence, the majority of #GlobalSouth users who drift into the #Fediverse get disillusioned, and return/move on to #Facebook or #Twitter or #Threads.

The #GlobalNorth users on the Fediverse never even become aware of this loss; though many of them perceive the monotony of voices/topics, and silently move out; leaving behind a tiny, malnourished social medium.

@feralthoughts Part of this is connected to webhosting, but not entirely. Due to debt crises (which are neocolonial in nature), many Southern countries place currency controls to ensure that foreign reserves do not flow outward, worsening debt crises and other financial structures. As a result, it can be difficult to register a domain and hosting with an outside company, the bulk of which are in the US, EU, or East Asia, and nearly all of which require dollars, Euros, yen, or renminbi.

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@feralthoughts The lack of connection that the #Fediverse has to the #GlobalSouth is a symptom of largely infrastructural disparities between the North and South vis-à-vis telecommunications and financial instruments. There's been some written on technological leapfrogging, esp. in parts of Sub-Saharan #Africa, but the jump is more often to centralized, #BigTech social networks, not to the sort of decentralized connectivity that the #Fediverse values.

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So you want to fight fascism and make a difference right now? Do this:

Join Codeberg e.V. – become part of the organisation; part of the resistance – and actively support this valuable and ethical EU-based anti-fascist¹ git hosting alternative that’s under attack by fascists as we speak:

Seriously, do it now.²

Volunteer and/or donate if you can.

Let’s send Codeberg’s membership through the roof and show these fucking fascists that when they push we push back twice as hard.

When you do, please add your voice to this thread so others can see.

I rarely ask this but please repost this far and wide.


² If you’re having trouble reaching the server, it might also be under attack. You can check the current status of all Codeberg’s servers from

#Codeberg#CodebergUnderAttack#SupportCodeberg #antifascist#EU #european#FOSS#freeSoftware #git #hosting #fediverse #mastodon #community#callToAction

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Hallo #Fediverse! Wir sind #RadelnForFuture, eine Organisation die sich aktiv für die #Verkehrswende und den Ausbau der Radinfrastruktur einsetzt.

Um unseren Forderungen Nachdruck zu verleihen radeln wir jeden 1. Freitag im Monat durch #Wien. Nun haben wir endlich auch den #Radweg ins Fediverse gefunden und freuen uns auf ein neues Zuhause.

#neuhier (auch wenn der Account schon etwas älter ist 😊)
@fedibikes @mastobikes

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We are seeking a specialized technical consultant to develop a strategic plan for enhancing communication across IBRAM-#Museus’s digital services. The focus will be on interoperability with decentralized social networks (#Fediverse), leveraging the #ActivityPub plugin for #WordPress, which is currently integrated into the #Tainacan platform.

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@iftas, an organization that's been helping make the fediverse a safer place by supporting admins, moderators and community managers, is asking for our support.

"[...] despite our best efforts to secure sustainable funding, IFTAS is now facing a critical financial shortfall. Without immediate support, we will be forced to severely curtail our activities in the next 60 days."

EDIT: As per a reply, the team is mainly looking for pledges from large donors. Best way you can help as an individual is to spread the word!

#IFTAS #moderation#TrustAndSafety #fediverse #funding#FediMods#MastoMods

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Anyways. #Fediverse.
Very serious offer.
I will trade you all 137 years of my musical experiences, history AND insight as an educated Black Woman with too much historical knowledge of how America was before the nazis took over, and all the fun that comes with it if you just help me get out of Gilead.

Heavy lifting already done. Valid passport for 7 years. Familiar with visas. Willing and able to pull student visas. Need remote employment. If you have any leads or info. Please help. 🙃

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It looks like Threads has taken their next incremental step in two-way federation: according to Mark F***ing Zuckerberg "now you'll be able to follow people from other fediverse servers who liked, followed or replied to federated profiles on Threads." As always in the fediverse, opinions differ:
  • If you're concerned about harassment, stalking, and data harvesting threats from Threads ... the risks just increased substantially. This post is for you, with information about how to dcerease them.

  • if on the other hand you're one of the many people here who see federaton with Threads as a good thing, then Zuckerberg's announcement is good news, and this post is for you to share with friends who are at risk.

So, if you don't want your posts going to Threads, now's a good time to move to an instance that blocks Threads.

If you're on an instnace that doesn't block Threads and don't want to move yet, you can still block the domain yourself. This doesn't provide as much protection as being on an instance that blocks Threads, but it's certainly better than nothing. How to block Threads on Mastodon - and a reminder that blocking on the fediverse only provides limited protections has instructions, with screenshots.

Still, if you're concerned about Threads, it really is much better to move to an instance that blocks them. Even this doesn't provide bulletproof protection, but it's stronger than individual domain blocking. Unfortunately, you can't move your posts (although you can create an archive), but you can usually keep of your followers.
@FediTipsTransferring your Mastodon account to another server is a thorough guide. Erin Kissane's Notes From a Mastodon Migration and Cutie City's Migrating Servers are also very useful -- it's worth reading all of these before you move!

And if you're really concerned about the risks and want to have protection be as bulletproof as possible, I agree with Kissane's suggestions in Untangling Threads

"I think the nearest thing to reasonably sturdy protection for people on fedi who have good reason to worry about the risk surface Threads federation opens up is probably to either…

  • block Threads and post followers-only or or local-only, for fedi services that support it, or
  • operate from a server that federates only with servers that also refuse to federate with Threads—which is a system already controversial within the fediverse because allowlists are less technically open than denylists.

We're starting to see examples of that second approach now -- The Website League is one, an island network where none of the servers federate with Threads; see their December update for more. I expect we'll see more of these over time.

#threads #fedipact #fediverse

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Hallo #Fediverse! Ich bin Zora und ich bin #neuhier! 😀

Ich bin Paläöbiologin und tausche mich gerne mit Leuten aus, die sich für die ausgestorbene Megafauna unseres Planeten interessieren. #Dinosaurier 🦖

Außerdem interessiere ich mich für #Abenteuer und #Geschichten. Ich habe selber einiges erlebt und vielleicht erzähle ich Euch ein wenig davon. 🌍

Mehr über mich, kann man in meinem Profil nachlesen. 😉 😉

#ZoraDieAbenteurerin, #Rollenspiel