Katy Elphinstone @KatyElphinstone@mas.to · 2 weeks ago Content Warning Show more I hope this email doesn't find you. I hope you've escaped and now you're free.Credit to The Feral Spiritualists on FB.#ActuallyAutistic Read more Media Hidden alt A picture of a pond filled with flowering lily pads and with a black cat's head and tail just appearing above the water. Text reads, "I hope this email doesn't find you. I hope you've escaped and now you're free." A picture of a pond filled with flowering lily pads and with a black cat's head and tail just appearing above the water. Text reads, "I hope this email doesn't find you. I hope you've escaped and now you're free." Reply Boost Like Copy link Flag Flag this post
Media Hidden alt A picture of a pond filled with flowering lily pads and with a black cat's head and tail just appearing above the water. Text reads, "I hope this email doesn't find you. I hope you've escaped and now you're free." A picture of a pond filled with flowering lily pads and with a black cat's head and tail just appearing above the water. Text reads, "I hope this email doesn't find you. I hope you've escaped and now you're free."